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Research Reports


Lynne Chepulis, Gregory M. Jacobson, Jade Tamatea, Ryan Paul (Sanofi)

"The effects of maternal diabetes on the neonatal gut microbiome"

R. Dobson, R. Whittaker, Y. Jiang, C. McNamara, M. Shepherd, R. Maddison, R. Cutfield, M. Khanolkar and R. Murphy

"'Long term effectiveness of SMS4BG' Published in Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes UK"


Rebekah Carey, * Helen Lunt, Helen F. Heenan, Christopher M.A. Frampton, Christopher M. Florkowski

"Collection tubes containing citrate stabiliser over-estimate plasma glucose, when compared to other samples undergoing immediate plasma separation"

Eli Lilly, Dr R Murphy

"Gut Microbiota post-Bariatric Surgery"

Rebekah Carey, * Helen Lunt, Helen F. Heenan, Christopher M A Frampton, Christopher M Florkowsk

"Collection tubes containing citrate stabiliser over-estimate plasma glucose"