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Registered Nurse Prescribing Development Grants

Registered Nurse Prescribing Development Grant 2 - 2024

Award value: $2,500 Max. (GST excl.)

Applications open: 01 Oct 2024

Applications close: 06 Dec 2024

NZSSD Registered Nurse Prescribing Application

* Required

Contact details:

Details of developmental opportunity

Provide written confirmation from employer indicating support/approval for enrolment in NP training programme and relevant release time

Provide evidence HWNZ funding has been declined/not available or allocated funding is insufficient to cover all costs

Provide evidence of approval of a place on approved NCNZ NP program

Provide written agreement from an authorised prescribing health professional (NP and/or medical Dr) to provide one on one clinical supervision

Identify any other source and value of funding avenues/streams being requested outside of this grant

Provide an overview of current employment, demographics and role/function within area of practice particularly around diabetes care

Upload evidence statement of 4 years experience in area of practice relevant to diabetes

If you are not uploading evidence, provide an evidence statement of 4 years experience in area of practice relevant to diabetes